McDermott Will & Emery (JD Supra Belgium)
Collective Redress Likely to Become a Reality in Belgium
The Belgian Government has today submitted a draft federal bill on collective redress for approval in the parliament. If passed, it will introduce collective redress into Belgian legislation for the first time. It will also put into play a number of the principles set out by the European Commission (Commission) in its recommendations on collective redress mechanisms for the Member States. It is...
Brussels Court of Appeal Rules that Legal Professional Privilege Applies to In-house Counsel
On 5 March 2013, the Brussels Court of Appeal delivered a judgment finding that, under Belgian law, in-house counsel are covered by legal professional privilege (LPP). In relation to antitrust investigations, the ruling highlights that LPP in the European Union depends on, not just local rules, but also whether or not the European Commission is involved in the investigation.
Brussels Brief - European Commission Issues Strategy for “Modernised” Data Protection Rules
The European Commission recently issued a detailed strategy underlining its revision – and modernisation – of EU data protection rules. The strategy document issued on 4 November is essentially a roadmap for EU policy changes in data protection, and follows a public consultation that initially began in 2009 to review the current legal framework – in place since 1995. According to the strategy...